Deseret Morning News
news story by Ben Winslow comments in red by BluezMama
It was a full blown raid as Layton(Utah)Police searched a Spencer Gifts novelty gift shop inside the Layton Hills Mall on Tuesday, February 13, seizing 15 boxes of items they said were sexually explicit. They took hundreds of items they say are against the law because they were sold in the plain view of minors.
(offending items pictured below)
The raid happened Tuesday morning just as Spencer Gifts was opening for business. Police said a search warrant was drafted, seeking numerous items that may violate Utah laws on dealing materials harmful to a minor.
"It's based on several complaints we've received over the last year or so," said Layton Police Sgt. Mark Chatlin. "People complaining about the material they're selling."
While none of the items in the shop are illegal, authorities allege Spencer may have run afoul of the state statute by having sexually explicit items available for purchase and display to minors. Police were vague in their descriptions of the items seized but acknowledged seizing games, food items and items that could be described as "sex toys."
"A lot of game-type related things depicting sexual conduct," Chatlin said. "General items in the shapes of genitals."
"Over the last year, two years, we've received, at the Police Dept and at the City Attorneys, a number of complaints," said Layton Police Sgt. Mark Chatlin.
So, detectives went to the mall and staked out Spencers to see if minors came and went and to see what materials they had access to. After several warnings, police served a search warrant and started pulling things off the shelves on Tuesday.
Police think they have a case. Utah code says that anyone who 'deals in material harmful to minors...knowing that a person is a minor' is committing a third degree felony.
Officers say Spencer's violated a Utah statute by not verifying shoppers' ages at the register for sales involving adult novelties. They say the store sells items like genital-shaped candies and other sexually oriented merchandise in plain view.
The warrant authorized seizure of any item depicting nudity, sexual conduct or sexual excitement. And they didn't just take a few things, they took literally hundreds of things, boxes and boxes of items they think are too inappropriate for young eyes to see.
No one was arrested, and the case is now being referred to the Davis County Attorney's Office to screen for possible charges or civil action.
Here are some of the dangerous things for sale at Spencer's for Bachelorette parties:
the 24 inch "inflatable willie". Boy, when the kids see the REAL THING, they're going to be sorely disappointed!
"Lusty Lickers Willie Pops". Someone's going to be in for a huge surprise when the real thing doesn't taste like this!
Interestingly, I recently photographed the following items on the lower set of magazine racks at a nearby Layton, Utah Wal-Mart store. These magazines were displayed about 3 feet off the floor - just at toddler eye level.
I'm not saying the police should't have raided Spencer's, but at least they should be consistent when protecting the minds of the innocent youth of today.
"Build Your Own Belt Loader!"
First of all, the sex toys do more harm to a minor then huntig or guns. If a minor is trainned in firearms to hunt or target use, he has a better chance of growing up to serve his country and God then he or she would looking at the kind of junk that Spencer's had for sale. And do the Osmond's know abot this?
I say good! I'm glad to see that they removed certain items! I have felt for a long time that some of the items that Spencer Gifts have carried shouldn't have been in plain view of minors! It's a disgrace! I've got nothing against some of the products pulled, you want to use them that's your business! But don't display your dildos in the plain view of my 6 year old daughter if we happen to walk by your store front because it's located in a mall and expect me to be o.k. with it! Get a clue!
Ahhh Spencer's Gifts, the porno shop for kids!
BluezMama, I agree with you. That police department just has too much time on its hands. I guess that area is lucky enough to have no other crime, no drug traffic, no illegal immigrants, nothing like that. I really think the Japanese have their pritories right - sex is more natural than weapons. Now I'm all for Second Amendment rights, and I own a handgun.
For the worried dad with his 6-year-old daughter, he could have requested that the store revise the window display. Oy, vey!
Visit Holland and see the variety of 'sex' objects on display in sex-shop' windows in full view of everyone. Some with a comical tint most with serious intent.
Then look at the sexual crime rate per head of population and you will see that Holland has the lowest in the world.
They must be doing something right somewhere ! Funny, you never see loads of kids hanging around those shop windows - why - because it's there for them to see so they don't want it !
How on Earth can a penis shaped candy cause harm to anyone? How ridiculous! But firearms, yes. Compare the murder rate between the USA and the UK. BIG difference!
"How on Earth can a penis shaped candy cause harm to anyone?"
I thought it was causes terminal discomfort and embarrassment to the parent who is forced to answer the sex education question, "What is that?" rather than let the kid learn on the playground behind the slide like the others!
I do sympathize with the cops though. Sounds like they tried to get the store to comply with the law. After all, enforcing the law is their job and they did field complaints.
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