Goin' Nowhere, Kristin Samet

Kristin Samet, "Goin' Nowhere"

Thursday, September 20, 2007

Flunk Math & Write City Code

Every month I am the lucky recipient of the Clearfield City Monthly newsletter ... "In your mailbox every month!". It's filled with all the latest events in town, and the September 2007 issue has a new feature called "City Code of the Month", described as follows:

Each month we will feature a city code ordinance relevant to recent citizen inquiries or seasonal timeliness. To view a complete listing of Clearfield City Ordinances please visit http://www.clearfieldcity.org, under "Government" click on "Municipal Code".

City Code of the Month

Code 6-1C-3 Number of Dogs and Cats Per Residence

No person at any one residence within this jurisdiction shall at any one time own, harbor, license or maintain more than a combination of three (3) dogs and/or cats in any combination, except as otherwise provided in this chapter. For example: a person could own one dog and two (2) cats, or two (2) dogs and one cat, or two (2) cats and no dogs or two (2) dogs and no cats. (Ord. 2006-05, 4-25-2006)

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