Corn-circle hoax no joke to family
By Jens Dana, Deseret Morning News
Wednesday, September 26, 2007
PLEASANT GROVE, Utah — An obscene crop circle in a Utah County corn maze is more likely a hoax perpetrated by prurient-minded vandals, the owners said, rather than the work of extraterrestrial visitors.
In any case, Hee Haw Farms owners Kyle and Chalise Smith certainly aren't hee-hawing about the prank.
"Somebody thought they'd be funny," Kyle Smith said. "But we're not laughing.
Two strategically positioned circles, each measuring 36 feet in diameter, and a 100-foot-long rectangle appeared near the maze entrance in the southwest portion of the nine-acre corn field over Labor Day weekend. From the ground they appear random, but from above the shapes' placement appears more strategic, not to mention anatomically correct.
"If I told you what it was, you couldn't print it in the newspaper," Kyle Smith said.
He said a corn maze employee noticed the unusual patterns in the corn field and brought it to his attention Sept. 6. It appears a group of vandals sneaked into the field under the cover of night and used two-by-fours to stamp down the corn stalks to make the crop circles, he suspects.
"It just irritates you," he said. "It's no different than someone pouring a gallon of gas into your back yard and lighting a match."

Kyle Smith carries daughter Chloe through a circle of trampled corn in the middle of his 9-acre maze at Hee Haw Farms in Pleasant Grove. (Jason Olson, Deseret Morning News)
The Smiths estimate they lost $1,000 in crops, but the pranksters could have cost the family much more than that. The vandalism could have cost Hee Haw Farm a large sum of revenue generated from thousands of people who frequent the maze.
"They don't realize this is a business," Chalise Smith said. "It's something more than a patch of corn."
Pleasant Grove police don't have any leads yet, Kyle Smith said, but he's certain something will surface eventually.
"You know how kids are," he said. "Someone will start bragging sooner or later."
In the meantime, the fifth-generation owners of the 147-year-old corn field intend to open the maze for its seventh season on Friday, as previously scheduled.
"We're not gonna let them do this to us," he said.
The Smiths won't be able to completely repair the damage made by the crop circles, so they'll work around them and include some extra features.
Chalise said they will use the rectangular area to build a 30-foot hay slide. They may also set up an area for younger children to play while older people wind their way through the maze. She said they've also been thinking of setting up alien scenes in the two crop circles along with information about similar occurrences across the world.
"I don't think it was aliens who did this," she emphasized.
Reader comments
Anonymous | 9:32 a.m. Sept. 21, 2007
I cannot think of what two circles and one rectangle could make that would be so obscene that a newspaper couldn't print but if someone out there figures it out please let me know.
ROSWELL JUNKIE | 9:39 a.m. Sept. 21, 2007
It was aliens for sure.
Pat | 10:14 a.m. Sept. 21, 2007
The clue is 'Anatomically Correct'. And way to make the best of a not-so-good situation.
Paul | 12:17 p.m. Sept. 21, 2007
I am not sure how this costs them over $1,000 in loss. I also don't see how this will affect there business THAT much. Granted if I was in his shoes I would be upset. But don't you anticipate that this is going to happen at some point, not the 'anatomically correct' sketch but someone doing some crop drawing. You hear about these stories all the time. Join the list buddy. There are vandals in every business. Sad but true. Keep your head up, you just got a load of free publicity. I will pay to come check it out and hit your maze. I am sure that will make up for your $1,000 loss.
soandso | 12:19 p.m. Sept. 21, 2007
Maybe they should refocus their business - surely kids would pay money to come party at a giant 'anatomically' correct field party :)
DBG | 1:10 p.m. Sept. 21, 2007
Couldn't two circles and a rectangle be like a face? Two eyes and a mouth??
RangerGordon | 1:28 p.m. Sept. 21, 2007
What's so obscene about this ancient fertility symbol? During prehistory, people carved this symbol all the time into rock walls, giant earthworks and shrines to ensure the harvest. It's certainly not akin to pouring gasoline into the backyard and lighting a match. I bet they'll have a bumper crop next year.
Typhoid Mary | 5:43 p.m. Sept. 21, 2007
Let the punishment fit the crime -- death penalty.
Pictures? | 7:16 p.m. Sept. 21, 2007
Pics or it didn't happen
foodlion | 9:05 p.m. Sept. 21, 2007
yeah they're right I wanna see pictures
E.T. | 12:06 a.m. Sept. 22, 2007
Aliens Again, my brotha
Wondering | 12:05 a.m. Sept. 23, 2007
Why, if this vandalism occurred on Sept. 6, is this story appearing in the paper two and a half weeks later at a time that coincides with the opening of the corn maze to the public? Is this just a publicity stunt?
Note: if you've read this far, you might as well go see Hee Haw Farms at: Hee Haw Farms : "one of Utah County’s favorite fall and Halloween destinations and the home of Leroy, our famous 1200 pound pet pig."