Goin' Nowhere, Kristin Samet

Kristin Samet, "Goin' Nowhere"

Saturday, September 18, 2010

The Eagles Have Landed! Farmington Bay Bird Refuge, Utah

The eagles have landed! This is an album created from a visit to the bird refuge on Farmington Bay, Great Salt Lake. Eagles congregate here annually.
The only road into the refuge winds along the top of a dike, passing numerous small marshes and ponds. Most times of the year these contain waterfowl and shorebirds wading and foraging in the shallow waters. If there is not much traffic, you can pull to the side of the road and scan these flocks; this is a good way to find some of those more unusual migrants, especially the shorebirds. Many of the official pullouts are situated to provide views of these marshes. Specialty birds: Clark’s Grebe, American White Pelican, Bald Eagle (winter); Sandhill Crane; Marbled Godwit.
Nearby City: Centerville (approx. 25 miles south of Ogden, Utah)
Season: Year-round, best during spring and fall migrations
Top Elevation: 4,200 feet